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Growth hormone: how to stimulate Gh with natural methods

Growth hormone: how to stimulate Gh with natural methods
GH, also known as growth hormone, STH or somatotropin, is a very important and powerful peptide hormone produced by the pituitary , a small gland responsible for multiple metabolic roles relevant to body growth and beyond. This substance is produced endogenously by our body and throughout life, but it is necessary to remember that the maximum levels of synthesis are reached in adolescence when the body completes its development to enter, physiologically, into adulthood.

In reality, what makes us grow is not GH but another hormone, called I-GF1 (somatomedin insulin-like growth factor), which is produced by the body in response to somatotropin and which is responsible for growth in height, muscles and also of the greater oxidation of fats. After the age of adolescence, the hormone is still produced but to a significantly lesser extent and according to pre-established rhythms that see its physiological peak during the day manifesting itself between midnight and six in the morning, as we will see better later in this article.

Benefits and specific functions of GH growth hormone

Reducing the functions of this compound only to a discourse linked to adolescent growth is, at the very least, reductive, given that there are also numerous metabolic connections even in adulthood, let's see them:

             supports the growth and regeneration of the skeleton in combination with other steroid hormones produced by the body;

             increases myogenesis, ie the synthesis of new proteins responsible for the growth of voluntary skeletal muscles;

             acts on lipolysis by stimulating the mobilization of fats and their use as a source of energy and regardless of the type of diet that is followed;

             regulates the absorption of water in the intestine and also the retention of sodium in the kidneys;

             it is closely connected with the metabolism of the three main macro nutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

But let's try to better understand how GH mediates the two effects that probably interest most people who read articles like this, so let's talk about muscle growth and fat reduction. From the point of view of the synthesis of new proteins , GH acts by improving the ability of amino acid transporters to carry out their work with consequent greater entry of them into the cells.

As for the energy use of fats, it is induced by the ability of GH to save proteins which, once the glycogen stores have run out, can be degraded to obtain energy. So since the human body is a perfect self-regulating machine, if there is a demand for energy, the body will oxidize the fat. From what has been said, it is understood that a deficiency of this hormone can cause serious growth problems and also the functioning of the body, in the same way, however, an excessive presence can also be harmful. In the first case, deficiency, you can experience reduced growth and even dwarfism, while in the second you can develop pathologies such as acromegaly and gigantism.

Difference between endogenous and exogenous GH

Since we are talking about a very well known and appreciated substance in the field of body building and fitness, we must make a clear distinction between the hormone produced physiologically by the body and that of chemical synthesis with the recombinant DNA technique. With this article we want to clarify what somatotropin is, what it is used for and how it is possible to optimize its presence in the body to obtain the maximum benefit without incurring serious side effects.

So you will have already understood that we are not talking about substances to be taken from outside the body that are real drugs that are prescribed to those who have a clinical need and that, in sports, are considered doping, not to mention the devastating side effects. that they can have on the health of a healthy individual. Having clarified this important point, let's see which strategies are feasible to maximize the production of natural GH.

How to naturally stimulate GH: training and nutrition?

Over the years, many studies have been carried out to better understand which are the factors of greatest stimulus to the release of somatotropin by the pituitary gland. Among these, training and nutrition certainly play a fundamental role , so let's see them in detail. As far as physical exercise is concerned, a very important observation must be made immediately, in fact the level of stimulation for the release of GH by means of physical activities will be the higher the less trained the subject in question is. This is due to the close connection that exists between lactic acid and growth hormone.

In poorly trained subjects, with the same intensity of work applied, there will be a greater production of lactate with a consequent decrease in the PH in the blood. Just reducing the PH is the promoter of the endogenous release of somatotropin , which is why the more you exercise and become more difficult to stimulate this hormone in the body, as well-trained athletes are struggling to produce lactic acid must therefore be considered, in order to get the maximum release of GH, specific training techniques that we can summarize by saying we prefer:

             short and heavy workouts with little recovery so as not to allow time for the lactic acid produced to be partially reabsorbed;

             workouts with very high repetition numbers and light loads with very short pauses up to total muscle failure.

From a general point of view, and without going into the specific energy metabolisms in order not to face a too complex speech for this venue, we will say that the workouts that make us produce Gh are intense ones with maximum loads and that do not last more than three minutes. Basic exercises such as bench press, squats and deadlifts are excellent for inducing the release of lactic acid and therefore of GH, moreover, since these are exercises with a high metabolic impact, they also trigger the synthesis of testosterone , another powerful hormone anabolic which in synergy with somatotropin acts even better on both mass and strength and weight loss.

As for the type of diet to be followed, it is certainly desirable to prefer protein meals, in fact proteins generate higher GH peaks than carbohydrates, there are also other specific foods that are capable of inducing a greater release of this hormone. , let's see them:

             broad beans , it is a legume rich in minerals and other nourishing compounds including levodopa an amino acid precursor of testosterone, dopamine and, in fact, GH;

             goji berries, particularly rich in arginine and glutamine, two amino acids which are direct and indirect substrates for the synthesis of somatotropin;

             eggs , being ultimately an undeveloped cell, the egg contains everything necessary for growth, therefore not only proteins and other nutrients but also some hormonal components such as small amounts of GH, it is no coincidence that the egg is one of the foods most used by body builders;

             citrulline , fruit with a high content of citrulline, an amino acid that acts on arginine levels by increasing them and since arginine is a direct precursor of Gh, the link between the watermelon and the hormone in question is deduced;

             Parmesan and other cheeses made without cooking the milk , are rich in biologically active peptides that can act on the release of hormones, including GH.

Supplements to stimulate natural GH

In addition to training and normal nutrition, you can also use specific dietary supplements to amplify the endogenous synthesis of GH. It is practically food but being products with a high concentration of single nutrients, their effect on the hormonal axes, and also on other mechanisms, can be much stronger than normal foods, especially if used in dosages considered to be pharmacological.

There are two types of natural GH stimulators, they are direct and indirect precursors, i.e. compounds that are used to synthesize the hormone in question or nutrients that act on the presence of other compounds that stimulate GH. Here is a list of the main supplements you can use to get a greater endocrine boost from somatotropin:

             arginine , probably the best known and most used, belongs to the category of direct precursors;

             citrulline, another amino acid that is able to raise the levels of arginine in the body more than arginine itself due to its ability not to undergo the degradation action of the stomach, passing unscathed until the next digestive step;

             gaba, another amino acid that acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter of the nervous system and also as a stimulator of GH;

             glutamine , precursor of arginine and glutamate which in turn activate the release of somatotropin, therefore another indirect precursor.

These four are the best known and most used supplements for the stimulation of GH, but we must also mention ornithine , glycine and lysine, three other amino acids that are very effective in determining the release of the hormone in question. There are also other synergistic products that you can use to maximize the release of somatotropin, for example, let's talk about testosterone precursors such as tribulus , maca and fenugreek. Testosterone, as well as other hormones in the body, are connected with the function of GH, so it is also worth using products that improve their presence.

Finally, remember that as far as supplements are concerned, all hormonal stimulators must be taken in the evening before sleeping , as somatotropin is most produced at night during the first hours of deep sleep and it is therefore at this time that support must be provided. specific nutrient.

What effects determines the GH somatotropin?

But why do all athletes try to increase the physiological presence of growth hormone GH? There are many valid reasons that can answer this question. As the main ratio we must certainly observe the sensitive incentive to protein synthesis and, above all, to lipolysis, two mechanisms that will greatly facilitate muscle growth with concomitant reduction of fat. There are also other interesting factors that lead athletes to want to increase GH, and therefore:

             improvement of the resistance of tendons, cartilages and ligaments to be able to increase training loads without experiencing easy injuries;

             decrease in the use of carbohydrates as an energy source and incentive for the oxidation of fats in mitochondrial power plants.

Difference between drugs and natural GH supplements

Since we have talked extensively about this GH growth hormone, it is necessary to make a serious and clear distinction between specific drugs and supplements for Gh , saying that the former contain an artificial version of the hormone, while the latter are made with nutrients. that our body can use as starting substrates for the natural synthesis of this important hormone.

This distinction must be made due to the fact that on the web market it can be easy to get confused especially for those who are not involved in the work, moreover many advertisements are misleading and can mislead the inexperienced buyer. If you are considering taking medications to achieve dramatic mass and weight loss results, consider both legal and health-related side effects. On the latter aspect, we remind you that over physiological doses of growth hormone can cause the following effects:

             peripheral neuropathy , it is a condition that occurs with the deterioration of the peripheral nerves, it can have different symptoms depending on the type of nerve that is attacked;

             acromegaly , which is the enlargement of the bones and some soft parts of the body;

             edema , excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial parts of the body;

             gynecomastia , an increases in the sizes of the mammary glands in an adult male;

             acute pancreatitis , inflammatory syndrome of the pancreas, organ responsible for releasing insulin;

             cardiovascular diseases such as cardiomyopathies and heart failure;

             intracranial hypertension , is the increase in pressure within the skull, usually caused by the lack of reabsorption or reflux of cerebrospinal fluid.

As you can see, the side effects of a wrong and illegal use of drugs containing somatotropin, cause very serious side effects that can lead to very severe courses up to death. We conclude by saying that, if you have pathologies or if you suspect you have a pathological deficit of GH, you should always listen to the doctor's opinion before using any type of product including supplements.Moreover , if you are following pharmacological therapies, the same principle applies. of preventive caution.