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Ketogenic diet and weight loss: benefits and contraindications

Ketogenic diet and weight loss: benefits and contraindications
The ketogenic diets is one of the many types of diets that can be followed to try to decrease the percentage of body fat and therefore lose weight. In principle, this diet is characterized by an absolute reduced amount of calories, therefore low-calorie, but also by a very low quantity of carbohydrates (low carb), while proteins and fats will be, in percentage, much higher than carbohydrates.

The intermediate goal that you want to achieve with the ketogenic diet is to activate a greater production of ketone bodies which are the result of the synthesis of energy starting from non-carbohydrate substrates such as amino acids, only some, or fats. However, it is a diet that can by definition fall within the so-called "low carb" diets as it is not possible to increase the release of ketones beyond the physiological norm, if medium or high amounts of carbohydrates are taken.

Ketogenic diet: what are ketone bodies

To fully understand the effects of the ketogenic diet, it is certainly necessary to investigate ketone bodies, also called ketones. In the past it was thought that these compounds were produced by the body only in response to an excessively accelerated metabolism or to diseases such as diabetes or, again, due to a diet particularly high in fat. Today we know that ketone bodies are normally and daily produced, albeit in minimal quantities, due to fasting, fat intake or dysfunction in carbohydrate metabolism such as diabetes.In some cases, as happens in the ketogenic diet, their synthesis is significantly increased as our brain, which feeds mainly on sugars, must necessarily find alternative sources of fuel, represented by ketone bodies., Where sugars are lacking.

But what are ketone bodies? These are metabolic by-products derived from fats even if their chemical structure and their characteristics make them look more like sugars than lipid molecules. It must be said, and we will resume this later, that some amino acids can also determine the release of ketone bodies, see for example tryptophan, tyrosine, leucine and phenylalanine, but there are also others. At a physiological level, the synthesis of ketones, much faster than that of fatty acids, occurs starting from acetyl coenzyme Awhich, after several other enzymatic reactions by "B-ketothiolase" and "hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A synthase" is finally translated into three different ketone bodies. Without going too deeply into the metabolic enzymatic reactions that would be difficult for most people to understand, we will say that at the end of these reactions we will have ketone products such as vinegar acetate, acetone (completely expelled from the body with sweat and breathing and therefore not used) and 3-beta hydroxy-butyrate.

Let us now see what happens when the above two ketone bodies are sent to the peripheral userswhich can be the muscles, the brain or even the heart. Let's start with the vinegar acetate which, if it were sent to a mitochondrion (organelle that is responsible for producing energy), would be subjected to the action of the succinyl-CoA enzyme and subsequently subjected to further enzymatic actions as long as they were to produce two molecules of acetyl-CoA which in the Krebs cycle are used to produce energy. If, on the other hand, it is the other ketone body (3-B hydroxy buirrate) that is sent to the mitochondrion, it will be transformed into vinegar acetate with the release of a NADH molecule that corresponds to 2.5 Atp, the chemical fuel par excellence. We have tried to explain, in a rather simplistic way, what are the metabolic pathways of ketone bodies, but what we are most interested in knowing is that these compounds can, and will be, used as an alternative energy source to carbohydrates if the latter are deficient.

How to set up an effective ketogenic diet?

With the term "ketogenic diet" it is not possible to indicate a specific type of diet, in fact all those diets that provide low, if not minimal, quantities of calories and carbohydrates with medium-low quantities of proteins and high of fats are to be considered ketogenic.

Already from this first generic observation it can be easily deduced that a ketogenic diet cannot be followed for prolonged periods, as it would lead to considerable dysfunctions as well as to the concrete decrease in the energy stocks available and finally, but not least, to a decrease, albeit temporary, of the cognitive faculties, as we shall see better later. So let's make an overview of the guidelines for a ketogenic diet without prejudice to the need, where you want to start with this type of diet, of the preventive opinion of the professional dietician, since these are diets that we can consider "extreme" and potentially dangerous.But before we pan we must remember that, to understand if the diet is working and therefore if your body is producing greater quantities of ketone bodies, it is necessary to measure this possible high presence, for example, through a urine PH test. That said, let's see what guidelines to follow to implement a practical example of a ketogenic diet:

•             reduction, almost to zero, of simple and complex carbohydrates, leaving in the diet only small quantities of vegetables that contain minimal doses of fructose;

•             increase both absolute and percentage of lipid nutrients and therefore intake of foods rich in fats such as oil seeds and other types of fruits such as avocado, then fats from coconut butter, walnuts, hazelnuts and egg yolk, are also indicated also cheeses such as parmesan, grana or pecorino;

•             increase, only percentage, of proteins, therefore meat, fish and other foods known to be rich in proteins.

On the latter aspect, there are those who argue that the introduction of excessively protein foods can partially frustrate the release of ketone bodies, this is because proteins contain amino acids and some amino acids, called glucogenetics, can be converted into glucose. However, it should be considered that it is necessary, in this type of diet, to find a compromise as a diet completely devoid of carbohydrates and proteins is practically not possible to endure for a matter of appetite, and it is unthinkable, in order not to ruin one's health, take all the calories in your diet from fat only.

In principle, we can thus assign the different percentages to nutrients according to the calories to be introduced, to size a valid ketogenic diet: 10% from non-complex carbohydrates, 15-20% from proteins and 75-80% from fats. We will not make real examples indicating specific foods, their quantity and time of intake, as this task is undoubtedly to be entrusted to a specialized dietician who will have to constantly monitor the conditions of the client since these diets, as already mentioned above, may have different side effects.

Benefits and contraindications of the ketogenic diet

Speaking of benefits in terms of weight loss and body health, with the ketogenic diet you will certainly quickly affect your fat reserves and at the same time you can benefit from effects that we can consider positive in the clinical and health field , let's see them:

•             reduction of non-responsive epileptic syndromes to drugs;

•             treatment of severe obesity associated with specific metabolic pathologies;

•             decrease of total cholesterol and therefore improvement of the lipid profile;

•             optimization of blood pressure and average blood glucose values.

It must be said, however, that there is no lack of possible unwanted effects , and indeed, there are those who argue that the latter are far superior to the benefits, let's see what we are talking about:

•             sensitive changes in mood and generalized feeling of tiredness very similar to what one experiences when having a fever;

•             decrease in PH in the blood, an aspect that can result, if prolonged for too long, in a condition of acidosis which involves, among other things, the sudden loss of important essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, essential for health bones and more;

•             increased hepatic and renal work even in completely healthy subjects, if there are pathologies, perhaps not yet diagnosed, the repercussions can be much more severe than a simple fatigue of said systems;

•             dehydration, a condition in which the water levels in the body are excessively low and can cause an increase in temperature, increased blood viscosity, blurred vision and loss of consciousness in the most severe cases;

•             hypovitaminosis and mineral salt deficiency.

As you can see, even to an inexperienced eye, it seems that the side effects of a ketogenic diet are much greater than the benefits, which is why it is always important to follow this type of diet under strict medical supervision, especially as regards its duration which, obviously, it won't be long.

What supplements to combine with the ketogenic diet?

If you decide, we repeat, always in consultation with the dietician or nutritionist, to start a ketogenic diet, you can also consier the use of specific supplements that can promote, in one way or another, weight loss. It should also be note that, since this diet will also undermine your ready-to-use energy reserves, the use of supplements that help energy is certainly desirable, even if, obviously, they cannot be made up of carbohydrates which, as on widely explained, they would dramatically decrease the release of ketone bodies to bring it back to physiological normality. So we candistinguish three types of supplements of desirable use, therefore ergogenic support, slimming aids and specific adjuvants, let's see them in detail:

•             creatine , carnitine and coenzyme q10, these are three compounds that will work on the release of energy even from fat, to make up for that GAP determined by the copious decrease in carbohydrates in the diet which, however, is already partially recovered by the greater speed of transformation of the bodies ketones in energy with respect to other molecules, whether they are lipid or carbohydrate;

•             thermogenic , inhibitory and lipolytic, then capsaicin, synephrine and caffeine , three plant extracts that respectively increase the release of body heat, decrease the sense of appetite and promote the degradation of triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol;

•             finally the adjuvants, a category which includes both those amino acids that can support the release of ketone bodies, such as tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and others, and both the minerals that are quickly eliminated due to ketosis.

Finally, another interesting integration route should also be noted, we are talking about leucine, another amino acid which, in addition to supporting the manifestation of ketosis, is able to support the maintenance of lean mass by decreasing the catabolism that this type of diet can easily trigger, not only for issues related to energy deficiency but also for the reduced protein intake compared to a normal diet for the maintenance or increase of mass.

Sports activity and ketogenic diet

Another interesting and useful aspect to consider if you are thinking of starting a ketogenic diet is the type of sporting activity that is practiced, although these diets are also used by sedentary subjects. As far as athletes are concerned, it should be remembered that this type of diet is not suitable for those who practice endurance and duration physical activities, in fact in these cases the presence of carbohydrates, and therefore of adequate glycogen stores, is essential to maintain a good level. performance. For what concerns body builders, even here, although it is possible to train, it would be optimal to decrease the intensity of the workout in order not to cause excessive tissue damage which, without adequate amounts of protein, could not be "repaired"

It should also be remembered that, again in relation to body building, it will not be possible, as already mentioned, to increase the proteins too much as even the amino acids (some) can be transformed into glucose with a net decrease in the release of ketone bodies and nullification of the diet. that you follow. However, it is not easy, in this type of diet, to determine how to train, since both intense and moderate exercises have positive and negative effects.

In the first case, that is, with the high intensity, there will be a greater demand for glucose favoring the release of ketone bodies which is the main objective of the ketogenic diet. In the second instead, that is moderate intensity, there will be a better energy use of ketones, thus avoiding an excessive accumulation in the body which, as we have said, can also cause heavy unwanted effects.