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Water retention: how to eliminate it with natural remedies

Water retention: how to eliminate it with natural remedies
Water retention is a condition of excessive accumulation of liquids in the interstitial spaces between one cell and another , it is a manifestation that usually affects those same areas that are also more subject to accumulation of fat, see for example the abdomen in men and hips and buttocks in women.

Before going into the details of the speech to also try to understand how to favor the outflow of these liquids from the body, a clear distinction must be made between water retention caused by a wrong lifestyle and the pathological one that can be caused by different diseases. of different systems, but above all of the cardiac and renal ones.

In this article, however, we will take care of identifyingcauses and main remedies to eliminate, or decrease, non-pathological water retention , while, if you think you are suffering from edema (terms used in medicine), you will have to contact your doctor to understand what to do.

However, we must also make another distinction to address this problem adequately and with good reason. In fact, overweight caused by fat should not be confused with that promoted by an excessive amount of liquids , also because, in relation to the total body weight and if there are no major pathologies, the role of water retention in weight gain is rather marginal. .

Water retention: how to spot it?

To better reason in order to understand what are the best remedies to decrease or eliminate the problem of fluid accumulation in the tissues, we must first understand what it is and how it is possible to "diagnose" this "disorder".

Water retention is often the cause of rather anomalous swelling of the interested parts, therefore, once a certain accumulation has been exceeded, it is very easy to identify it even with the naked eye because of its particular characteristics that provide the body with that smooth appearance and, in the points of greatest accumulation like abdomen and hips, real "deformations" of the silhouette.

There are basically two ways of identifying this problem, the first through the amount of urine expelled in 24 hours, if it is too low compared to the reference values that are considered as a function of age, then there may be a problem of water retention.

If, on the other hands, you don't want to carry out any analysis, you can use a much simpler method which is to press hard on the suspicious parts with your thumb for a few seconds and then release. If the fingerprint remains clearly visible then in all probability we are in the presence of water retention.

Treatment of non-pathological water retention

As we said above, here we are going to deal with identifying remedies, both dietary and lifestyle, that can favor the elimination of water retention not caused by diseases , for all other forms of this disorder it is instead necessary to consult a doctor. .

Let's remember one thing right away, unfortunately today we really like quick and easy solutions even for problems that could be solved by means of tricks in everyday life. Some use diuretic drugs, such as furosemide, to eliminate that extra veil of water, but these practices are extremely dangerous since an imbalance in the quantity of fluid can also lead to severe complications of an electrolyte and consequently cardiac and more.

So in any case you must never use drugs unless your doctor recommends it and certainly, in this case, we would not be in the presence of a normal accumulation of fluids but of a clinical condition.

Having said that, let's see what the main remedies can be to reduce the presence of liquids in the tissues.

These remedies are always based on the correction of the causes that caused the problem, we are talking about causes that are in 100% of cases attributable to a wrong diet and a too sedentary lifestyle, always in reference to a condition not linked to clinical pathologies. .

Diet and water retention: here's how to behave

So let's start with nutrition to understand how to size it in such a way as to facilitate the reduction of water retention, even if an ad-hoc diet can only be prescribed by the dietician.

Despite this, you can follow some simple tips that will certainly drain excess water , and therefore:

             increases the protein portion of your diet and decreases the carbohydrate content, always being careful to provide an adequate calorie total. Proteins by their nature have a natural draining power while carbohydrates retain water and therefore promote water retention;

             be sure to also take a fair amount of fiber through the use of fruit and vegetables, dietary fiber, among other things, is crucial to avoiding constipation situations that can also favor the stagnation of liquids;

             completely eliminate the table salt added to your dishes, sodium is a mineral that in excessive quantities causes a lot of retention, you must know that the one naturally contained in food is far enough to meet our daily needs, so no addition is necessary if not for a discourse of sapidity and flavor of the food which, however, does not interest us here;

             prefer fresh foods in your diet over preserved ones, both as regards meat and carbohydrates and vegetables, the toxins present in the preservatives are often the cause of water retention while the polyphenols contained in fruits and vegetables are natural draining;

             eliminate the intake of carbonated and alcoholic drinks , also drink at least 2.5 liters of low-sodium water per day as adequate hydration promotes the drainage of stanant liquids in the tissues.

Physical activity to eliminate water retention

Even sport plays an important role for draining excess liquid , let's talk first of all by a factor associated with increased sweating with which the interstitial water is eliminated but also a number of toxins that lurk in it.

It should also be considered that physical activity improves microcirculation and with it also the flow of retention that occurs precisely in those areas of the body where the supply of venous blood is reduced.

Other remedies: food supplements and herbal teas

In addition to nutrition and sport, we have at our disposal additional supports that can help us to effectively counteract non-pathological water retention, we are talking about supplements and herbal teas to drink.

Here are the best compounds to decrease the presence of excess fluids:

             artichoke , contains cynarin a compound known for its ability to assist in the elimination of subcutaneous water;

             gotu kola , another vegetable with a double effect, improves blood circulation at the venous level and causes retention drainage;

             dandelion or dandelion , probably the most used drainage as a supplement and herbal tea, boasts strong diuretic and purifying properties conferred by the presence of two compounds, dandelion and dandelion;

             fennel , its draining properties are attributed to the very high presence of water, up to about 92%;

             blueberry and butcher's broom , act by protecting the walls of the capillaries which are vectors of the blood microcirculation which, as we have seen above, is connected with the presence of retention.

These listed are just some of the best drains you can find in specific supplements or herbal teas, but there are many others.

Massages and water retention

Let's now see how it is possible to reduce the excess of liquids in the tissues, through the so-called lymphatic drainage massages , another very effective and appreciated remedy also for a matter of body well-being.

Lymphatic drainage is a massage techniques that acts on lymphatic fluids and is therefore practiced in specific areas of reference, such as the spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes and lymphatic nodules.

This technique is often used in the aesthetic field to promote the absorption of edema and also to reduce the problems associated with cellulite, moreover it is also excellent for assisting the action of the immune system since the stimulation of the lymphatic systems determines the release of immunoglobulins and leukocytes into the blood.

You can also try to self-treat yourself with this type of massage or even with other types of massages which, through their mechanical action, lead to greater diuresis and therefore elimination of liquids. If you have already performed massages in your life, you know what we are talking about, in fact at the end of a treatment like this there is always a noticeably increased diuresis.

Summary of remedies to decrease water retention

In short, we can say that to effectively combat the problem of non-pathological water retention you can:

             modify your diet according to the advice given above and remembering, however, that a specific diet must be sized by the qualified professional;

             include physical activity with high sweating in your daily routine, we are talking about activities that, for a normally sedentary subject, can also consist of a mild jog;

             use supplements and herbal teas with a natural diuretic effect, absolutely not to be confused with diuretic drugs which are quite another thing;

             undergo sessions of lymphatic drainage massages that help reduce edema and also the flow of toxins from the body.

Attention, for no reason you must use drugs to decrease water retention, practices of this kind can be very dangerous and lead to serious health disorders, Nutrition Center has always been committed to combating these harmful and even illegal practices.